Thursday, October 23, 2008


Sometimes in life, we all need to remember that our little one's growing up are still little ones. As much as we want them to become self sufficient so that they can assist with day to day activities and chores, we must remember that the process is slow and laborious. We cannot expect them to suddenly be able to accomplish things in the same amount of time that we adults can.

Case in point, this morning, as we are rushing out the door to get everyone to the sitters, school and work, and we are running late as usual. As I'm hurrying everyone to the car and urging them to "speed it up kids we have to go, we are late again." I was reminded by Sonny that "Mom, we are still little kids, we can't hurry as fast as you, maybe you need to slow down so we can catch up."

I have officially been put in my place.

There are times in life that this happens. We get so caught up in the day to day struggles to make it to work on time all the while making sure that everyone gets to the right places on time that we don't realize that life is not lived in the rush, it's lived by slowing down, taking a deep breath and making the moment we are in count. When the end of our lives comes, we will not be held accountable for how many times we arrived to work in a timely manner or how fast we made it out of the house in the morning to carry everyone off to school, we will be held accountable for how many times we slowed down enough to appreciate and behold the beauty of the moment.


LeMira said...

Every once in a while we moms definitely need to be put in our place because we forget where it is! I totally agree with you and Sonny.

Anne-Marie said...

He's a smart one! You're going to have your hands full in the coming years. But, at least you'll be well aware of your place in all of it!