Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School!!

My little boy has grown up. As we waited for the school bus on Sonny's first day of school, Sonny was extremely quiet. He kept to himself and didn't say too much about being excited. Then from down the street we hear the rumble of an engine, a BIG engine.... it was the big yellow school bus. The brakes screeched to a halt in front of us and I felt a little hand slip into mine. "Walk with me mommy" he said. So I led my little boy across the street to the doors of the bus. Immediately he stepped into line behind the other "big" kids and waited for his turn to board the bus. I stood back and suppressed the urge to reach up and pull him off, he looked so little and lost up there. I choked back the tears and forced a smile on my face and yelled "Bye Sonny, I love you, have a good day." He didn't even look back as he found his way to a seat. Then the doors hissed closed and they were gone.

As the bus pulled away, I silently congratulated myself for not shedding any tears, I made my way back across the street and headed back to Mom and Glyn's house. Finally back at the house, Glyn looks at me and says "well Lisa, today is the first day of the rest of Sonny's life." Thanks alot, I hadn't thought that until you uttered those words. It wasn't until i got back in my car and called my own mommy on the phone, that the waterworks started. I had to ask, "did you cry the first day i went to school?"

I knew he would be just fine, that nothing bad would happen to him. But there comes a time when you have to cut the apron strings and let them experience life for themselves. I knew that there would be times when Sonny felt alone at school, that there would be other kids that wouldn't want to be his friend and then there would also be children that wanted to be his best friend. I knew there would be times that he would be scared and times when he felt like the bravest kid in school. But i couldn't shelter him from all the "not so nice" things he would experience, nor should I want to, as those experiences are what shapes us as people.

So I will say a little prayer every morning for Sonny. Lord, please keep my little boy safe this day, keep his mind open to learning new things, and meeting new friends. Place a hedge of protection around him and help him to remember how to treat others nicely. Keep his feet on the straight and narrow path and give him an enthusiasm for the new experiences he will be having. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.


LeMira said...

It was so hard the first time I put Jackson on the school bus for preschool. I remember that feeling.

Lisa said...

I don't think it's ever easy for anyone. I sure am glad that day is over though! I thought my heart was going to break, I felt lost...

love you girl, glad to see you came by the site!